Leadership Retreat

A place to rejuvenate and connect with women Christian leaders and with God.

You’re busy. Busy serving and leading in many areas. Maybe you’re tired, or wanting some encouragement and inspiration, or feeling like you could use some support.

The By Design Leadership Retreat is for you!

Our annual leadership retreat will help you step out of that “noise and confusion” and leave the treadmill of expectations and pressures of daily life and ministry behind. It is a time to restore your soul (and body!) and replenish your spirit; it is a time to be nurtured and cared for by other sisters in Christ. As women who are involved in leading and serving, we need the body of Christ and the nourishment of loving sisters who are sharing, praying, and holding one another accountable just as much as any of those God calls us to serve.

Our time together will feature a variety of elements:

  • Meaningful and inspirational worship

  • A special guest speaker will be speaking twice on Saturday and at Sunday’s general session

  • A relaxed time of fun to connect with old and new friends

  • Personal quiet time and prayer 

  • Ministry relevant breakout sessions (you can take 2!).

“Where can women in leadership be refreshed? We’re always ‘on’ whether we are teaching, planning, leading, or delegating. We need a place to let down and let go-to connect with other women and to be fed so our cup is refilled. The by design reTREAT is it-a place to refresh, share ideas, pray and be in God’s presence so we can hear His direction for our next step.

I attended the reTREAT and met wonderful kindred sisters. We connected over meals and heard from speakers on topics that we encounter. And, we left feeling like family. It is so good to know I am not alone out there. God has an army of women on the front lines and they can become my rear guard as I serve in my local church and community. One favorite moment of the weekend was when we all broke out singing the Doxology in the dining hall. Voices raised. Perfect harmony. Clear and strong. It was such a beautiful picture of God’s daughters working in unity, according to our giftededness, for the Kingdom.”

- Retreat Participant