What Does By Design Do?
We are here to equip and support women who are serving Jesus and this list is a compilation of just some of the ways that our mission plays out.
Women's Leadership Training
A program designed to equip women for leadership and for spiritual growth.
Training at Your Own Pace
Our life-changing Women’s Leadership Training curriculum, specially designed for you to complete at your own pace in your own home.
Together Groups
Support, networking, and community for women in leadership.
Speakers Directory
Dynamic, vetted, biblical Christian speakers for your next event.
The young women’s ministry arm of By Design, equipping, discipling, and supporting the next generation of leaders.
Blog Posts
Get inspired and encouraged, and hear the heartbeat of By Design through the voices of our talented and insightful bloggers.
Stay connected with our ministry and keep up with all the latest news through our e-newsletters. Send some happy to your inbox!
Annual Leadership Retreat
A retreat geared especially for women who are serving. Get encouragement, make lasting connections, and rejuvenate.
Mentoring Events
We know how important mentoring can be, but how do we get started? Book this free event at your church where the By Design staff will come and share with the women in your community.
Celebration Events
Dynamic and relevant speakers, inspiring worship, opportunity to make friends, connect and network, and much more. Women from all walks of life and all around the country. Come and see the Church at work!
YouTube Channel
Training, support, solid biblical teaching, and inspiration. Please subscribe!
Facebook Page
Encouragement for every day! Become part of the vibrant By Design online community!
Beautiful, inspirational images and messages to encourage you in your walk.
Online Shop
Training resources and gifts for people you care about.
Ministry Consulting
Have a question and not sure where to turn? Let us help with specific ministry issues. We also partner with other regional ministries to help you connect with just the right services.