An Unusual Healing 

by Forshia Ross

"Mom, I'm getting ready to go pick up Connor. He's going to live with us now." I had just had lunch with a friend of mine and was in my car ready to start the engine when I received this call on my cell phone from my son, Dax, who lives with us. It was a call I had been dreading for some time now. I had seen it coming for the last year, as Connor's mom was becoming less and less able to take care of him, and my son was picking up the slack. In my mind, I had been fighting it tooth and nail. I had raised my children. Granted, I loved my grandchildren. I had six at the time. But I didn't want to raise them. My ministry was flourishing. I had places to go, people to see, and godly dreams still to be accomplished. My husband and I didn't mind having our son live with us. It really wasn't so bad. And yet, I did not understand the dread and deep constant fear that I had been experiencing. When I would hear other grandmothers talk about watching their grandchildren, or even raising them, I would wonder what was the matter with me.
As I drove off that day after speaking to my son, I sensed a peace and I heard the Lord speak to my heart, "It's going to be okay." I would learn as the days and adjustments wore on that God would take me back some forty years to the time when my first husband abandoned my two-year-old daughter, Tiffany, and me. I loved my daughter and I took care of her, but God showed me the incredible, overwhelming responsibility that I had to carry at that time, as a single mom. I did not know the Lord then. The thought of this new responsibility created in me a fear that I would have to do this again. Only I did not even know it. Amazing! I did not even know that the fear was still there.
Now, three years later it is okay and Connor is a sweet blessing. Easy? Not always. My son is a good father, and God has made it clear to me that I am not to raise Connor, but to influence him for the Kingdom. When I need a break, the Lord always provides one just at the right time. The fear is gone. The dread is gone. It is amazing to me how God loves us so much that He is determined to go back some forty years if necessary to bring a healing to our hearts. That tells me that He was there all along even before I knew Him. He knew then how hard it was for me, and He had a plan to provide an unusual healing for me. He leaves no stone unturned. He is a thorough God. I am reminded of this Scripture in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 which I have quoted during past speaking engagements, "May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
________________Forshia Ross is a licensed and ordained minister that has been speaking at churches, conferences, retreats, and prayer gatherings since 1990. As a keynote speaker, Forshia loves to encourage, challenge, and minister the heart of God. She has a unique ability of unfolding the Scriptures in such a way that she is able to provide just the right keys in unlocking the hindrances of the heart. She motivates the struggling heart to soar.
Forshia is also the author of two books, No Secondhand Rose and  The Wilderness Shall Blossom Like the Rose, about her spiritual journey to wholeness. She is the director of the international ministry, Treasures from the Heart, and has a television and radio program that gives practical biblical insight for daily living. Forshia and her husband, Eric, live in Rhode Island and have two children and seven grandchildren.

The Day God Forgot His Call on My Life


I Thought I Knew What Love Looked Like