Introducing ...

You may have noticed that during the last few years, there has been more from by design … more events as we introduced the new virtual workshops, more training and inspirational videos, more social media posts, more blog posts, and much, well, more.

In January of 2021 it became apparent to by design’s board that we needed more staff to support all these endeavors, so a new position was created for an administrative assistant. We launched a search and prayed that God would bring just the right person to by design. And He has.

We are delighted to introduce you to Heather North. Heather and her husband, Gary, live in Nashua, NH. They have three grown children and have been members of Trinity Church for more than twenty years. Before coming on board with by design, Heather was the secretary for Trinity’s board of trustees, a homeschool mom, and an elementary school teacher in New Hampshire and in the Ivory Coast, Africa. She earned her teaching degree at Gordon College in Wenham, MA.

Heather joined by design as the new administrative assistant in April of 2021. Since then, she has been working on many projects. Social media posts, marketing graphics creation, product research, blog posting, and email automation are just some of the tasks she has taken on. She has consistently approached each task with determination, grace, and excellence. We are all very glad to have her on our team.

“Heather is one of the most competent and efficient people I’ve ever worked with. Whenever she works on a new project or learns a new skill, she always knocks it out of the park. But even more than that, she is one of the most kind and gracious people I’ve ever worked with. She radiates Jesus and His love for people. We are so blessed to have Heather on staff at by design ministries.”

~ Kristi Stoughton, Associate Director of by design ministries


How Long, Lord? David's Move from Fear to Song in Psalm 13


Seasons of Refreshing