Introducing Two New Staff Members

by Linda Moore

Kristi Stoughton is the newest member of our by design team. She will be heading up an "arm" of our ministry called "WeConnect." We want to see a new breed of young women leaders in the church who are passionate about bringing other women along to grow together in a vital and mature relationship with Jesus Christ. The WeConnect ministry aims to discover motivators behind the trending disengagement of millennials and to develop and implement an action plan and curricula that will facilitate this growth process. Kristi will also be involved with improving our online media presence and helping our ministry to focus on ways we can deal with cultural issues that impact our witness to a watching world.
Kristi Stoughton is a native of New Hampshire, where she currently resides with her husband Brian and their two sons. She attended Gordon College and Chester College, graduating with a degree in Professional Photography. She has worked for Stampin' Up, a rubber stamping and scrapbooking company, since 1996. During the course of her career with Stampin' Up! she has managed a group of over 300 people and has had extensive presentation experience as a speaker at Stampin' Up's nationwide events. Kristi has been an active member of Trinity Baptist Church, Nashua, New Hampshire, for more than twenty years, serving in many different ministry positions including Bible study leader, evangelism class teacher and VBS coordinator. She loves playing her guitar and singing on Trinity's worship team as well as serving with her musical "sister chicks" as the worship team for women's retreats and other events. Kristi has been a public speaker since 2001, serving as a keynote speaker at Christian women's conferences, retreats, and other events.
"I am absolutely delighted at the news that Kristi Stoughton will be joining the team of by design ministries. I have known Kristi since she was a little girl. Even then I sensed the strong presence of the hand of God on her life in a special way. It has been a privilege to watch her mature through the years into a woman whose heart is totally committed to her family and her faith. Kristi will bring a dynamic new dimension to God's work among women in New England. I could not be more pleased!"
- Maggie Rowe, former director of Women's Ministries, Vision New England
To learn more about Kristi and her speaking ministry, visit

Pauline Morgan will be a familiar name for many of you. She has played an active role as a Together GroupPauline2015 leader in the Taunton, MA area since 2008. She has also served in a number of other capacities within by design ministries as a workshop leader, speaker, board member and Treasurer. Pauline will be assisting the Director (Linda Moore) in developing, establishing and shepherding leaders in our Together group ministry across our region. This ministry is a mutual opportunity for women leaders to share ministry goals, receive prayer support, discuss ministry issues and challenges and get godly advice and support from the other women.

Pauline Morgan is a lifelong New England resident. She graduated from Boston State College with a degree in History and Political Science then attended Eastern Nazarene for graduate work in Secondary Education. Professionally employed as a project manager for over 20 years she holds designations from LOMA (Life Insurance Management) and PMI with a PMP designation (project management professional). Her walk with Christ began in April 1970. She has taught children of all ages, youth group and ladies Bible studies but in 1995 began to focus on ministering to women who were at risk spiritually, emotionally and physically. She loves one-on-one mentoring and the discipling of women to walk closer with their Lord and experience his presence regardless of the circumstances and season of life. Secondly is the joy of discovering women who lead and influence other women! Although not her primary life call, she does love to present God's Word to groups and enjoys the humor God sprinkles through her talks. She serves as Director of Women's Ministry for The Fellowship in Easton, MA and lives in Taunton. She loves country drives, good ice cream, espionage novels, luxury camping and time spent with family and friends.
"When I heard of Pauline Morgan's decision to be part of by design ministries in an official capacity I thought, "it's about time". Pauline has worked to develop the women's ministry at The Fellowship over the last 6 years as director and several years before on the women's ministry team. She has tirelessly embodied the vision to find, mentor, and equip other women to discover their God-given gifts and abilities in order to "build one another up in love to do the work of Christ in the church". I believe over these years God has perfectly fit Pauline for this next step in ministry."
-Rita MacKinnon, Director of Children's Ministry, The Fellowship, Easton, MA

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