It's Time to ReTREAT!

By Linda Moore

Dear Sister in Christ,

“There have to be times to sit and wait for the fullness of God that replenishes body, mind and soul

… there has to be time for the fullness of time, or time is meaningless.”

Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton

FB_CRR-1730Our annual women’s reTREAT will help you step out of that “noise and confusion” and leave the treadmill of expectations and pressures of daily life and ministry behind. It is a time to restore your soul (and body!) and replenish your spirit; it is a time to be nurtured and cared for by other sisters in Christ. As women who are involved in leading and serving, we need the body of Christ and the nourishment of loving sisters sharing, praying and holding one another accountable just as much as any of those God calls us to serve.Because many of you requested it, our upcoming reTREAT will be extended to a full weekend. We will meet on February 3-5, 2017 at the Camp CONNRI Lodge and Conference Center, in Ashford, CT. This conference site, operated by The Salvation Army, is situated on 272 acres of rolling hills, and overlooking a pristine 50-acre lake. Our reTREAT is for any woman who is currently serving in her church or organization. This will be a time to connect with sisters who have a heartbeat for Christ; it will be a time of encouragement and enrichment.Our time together will feature a variety of elements:1. Meaningful and inspirational worship2. Special speaker Lucinda Secrest McDowell will be speaking at three general sessions on “Living From the Inside Out”3. A relaxed time of fun to connect with old and new friends4. Personal quiet time and prayer5. Round table discussion groups (you can take 2!) including:

a. To Counsel or Not to Counsel? That is the Question! (Helping Those Who Are Hurting) with Sheree Harrington, LICSW (Leadership Training Class #108 – Knowing When to Refer to a Professional Counselor)b. Creative Evangelism with Karen Monizc. Tending the Flickering Fire: Keeping Our Hearts Fueled with Hope with Shirley Dubeaud. A special talk-back session with presenter, Lucinda Secrest McDowell

lucinda-mcdowellI am delighted to have Lucinda Secrest McDowell as our keynote speaker for our retreat. Cindy always brings energy, encouragement and expertise to our events by preparing and professionally delivering a personal message that engages both heart and mind. A storyteller at heart, Cindy is an international conference speaker who thrives on encouraging others to find practical life help through God’s Word. She has authored over books, including Amazed by Grace, 30 Ways to Embrace Life, Spa for the Soul, Role of a Lifetime, Quilts from Heaven, Better Together and God’s Purpose for You. Her most recent publication is Dwelling Places: Words to Live By in Every Season. In addition to degrees from Gordon-Conwell Seminary and Furman University, she also ‘claims’ a masters in mothering four children. She has lived for over 20 years in New England. Cindy and her husband, Michael, have four children, and two grandchildren.reTREAT DETAILS:• The reTREAT begins Friday with dinner at 5:30 PM and concludes Sunday with lunch at noon. Come for the full weekend or attend part of the retreat. Plan to arrive between 4:00-5:00 to register on Friday. Both general sessions on Saturday and Sunday morning begin at 10:00, with breakfast at 8:00 a.m. If coming for two days, Saturday’s session will end at 8:30 p.m. The full schedule will be available on our website by early January.• We offer discounted rates to groups of three or more. See pricing on registration form. You do not all have to attend the same day(s) when registering as a group. Why not invite women from your leadership team to attend with you?• Accommodations include twin-bed rooms, each with a private bath. Private rooms are available for an additional $25. We will provide these according to availability. Linens are provided. Two handicap rooms are also available.• Plan to bring copies of various ministry resources to share with fellow attendees. These could be brochures, ministry tips, planning guides, devotionals, organizational tools, speaker recommendations, etc., anything that might be of use to another women leader. The total number of copies that will be needed will be included in your confirmation letter.REGISTRATION INFORMATION• You will have several different options in which to register; as an individual attendee, as a group attendee or as a commuter. You will have your choice of attending the whole retreat or part of the retreat. Registration includes all meals. Please contact us if you have food allergies. See the following page for fees. Please note: Your registration fee is transferable but non-refundable (i.e., another person can come in your place). January 27th is the cutoff date for registrations. Registrations received after that postmarked date will be charged an additional $5.00.• Limited scholarships are available. Contact our office for further information.• See the registration link for fees.• Download the registration form to register by mail.• Click here to register online! A week before the retreat, you will receive a final confirmation letter with directions and additional information. If you have other concerns, please call our office at (978) 710-4455 or email us.We’re looking forward to seeing you in February. More importantly, the Lord himself desires to encourage your heart and ministry with his strengthening presence.Soli Deo Gloria,Linda MooreDirectorby design ministries


“Where can women in leadership be refreshed? We’re always ‘on’ whether we are teaching, planning, leading, or delegating. We need a place to let down and let go-to connect with other women and to be fed so our cup is refilled. The by design reTREAT is it-a place to refresh, share ideas, pray and be in God’s presence so we can hear His direction for our next step.I attended the reTREAT and met wonderful kindred sisters. We connected over meals and heard from speakers on topics that we encounter. And, we left feeling like family. It is so good to know I am not alone out there. God has an army of women on the front lines and they can become my rear guard as I serve in my local church and community. One favorite moment of the weekend was when we all broke out singing the Doxology in the dining hall. Voices raised. Perfect harmony. Clear and strong. It was such a beautiful picture of God’s daughters working in unity, according to our giftededness, for the Kingdom.”2016 reTREAT participant


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