One Thing

By Sharon Gamble

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things,but few things are needed — or indeed only one.Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”(Luke 10:41-42 NIV, emphasis mine)

I suspect you’ve read the story of Martha and her worries. Let’s face it. If you or I had more than twelve hungry men coming over for dinner, we’d be just a little bit frazzled, too. And if one of them just happened to be the Son of God? The desire to make everything perfect would notch up the pressure, wouldn’t it? Martha wanted everything to go well. It’s hard to blame her. I think we all can understand the resentment she felt toward Mary, happily sitting at Jesus’ feet, drinking in every beautiful word, while the table wasn’t set and the pot needed stirring.Have you ever wondered why this example was the one mentioned in Scripture to teach us to put Jesus first? I mean. Really. Seems like Martha had a super legitimate reason not to be sitting at Jesus’ feet. Right? Perhaps the very legitimacy of Martha’s situation is why this example is the one we read about in the Bible. Perhaps the time we most need to stop is when we have the most to do. Perhaps even a short time at Jesus’ feet … first … would change the whole tone of our day and alleviate a whole arsenal of worries.morning-girl-2715280_1920As I’ve pondered this story, I’ve come to realize that it’s in the busiest times I need most to stop. Just like Martha needed to do that “one thing,” meet first with Jesus, so do I. We all do. It’s hard. Louder voices cry for attention. Yet, when I make the choice to sit at Jesus’ feet each morning, even briefly, and hear from Him, my days go more smoothly. When I choose to “run away” on a Sweet Selah Day, spending precious time with God in prayer and study and quiet, I discover I’m better able to cope with all the craziness of life. The purpose of Sweet Selah Ministries is to encourage others – and myself – to take the time to stop. We need reminding.Let’s embrace the truth that the busier we are the greater the need to be still and spend time with God first. Jesus said it’s the “one thing” needed. Yes, maybe that’s why Martha’s story had to be told.Ponder: Do I sit at His feet first? What distractions keep me from meeting with the Lord each day? How can I plan my days so that the first few minutes belong to Him? What do I need to let go so that the most important thing, the “one thing” needed, actually happens in my life and in my heart? Prayer: Lord, give me a heart like Mary’s. I want to sit at Your feet and drink in Your beautiful words. Help me put You first in my life. I want You more than anything else. I lay my schedule, my plans, my worries, my hopes, my dreams at Your feet, and I choose You. First. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Gamble SharonSharon Gamble, founder of Sweet Selah Ministries, loves to study the Word and then share her discoveries with women through blogs, books, talks, and retreats. She has deep empathy for Martha, especially with a people pleaser inside that constantly whispers, “Do more!” Sharon has an even deeper longing to be a Mary, spending time with Jesus. Her delight is to help others meet with Him first, right in the middle of the mess and the crazy. Sharon lives with her husband, Ray, and her little buddy Bella Grace, the pup, in Dover, New Hampshire. She loves bike rides in the summer; snowflakes on her face and warm fires in the winter; and playing with her grandchildren any time. You can visit her ministry website to learn more at or find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.Sharon is also one of our featured speakers in the by design Speakers Directory. If you are looking for a Christian speaker for your special event, please visit our online directory or contact us to request a hard copy.


The Hurrier I Go, the Behinder I Get!


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