reTREAT 2016 Announcement

by Linda Moore

Because you asked … we are doing a full weekend retreat this year in Connecticut!

Have you found yourself mumbling recently "I can't do this!" or "Does God really care what is going on here?" As women of influence, we constantly find ourselves in difficult places that stretch our faith and our resources. Taking time to “retreat” is a time to remember God's call on our lives and to gather with like-minded sisters and sit at his feet -- for insight, mutual encouragement, and fresh vision. Ruth Haley Barton comments on the importance of retreats for leaders in her book Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership.

"The discipline of retreat is a powerful practice for leaders because it enables us to pull back from a position of danger in our lives, to rest in God for awhile, and take an honest look at our lives and our leadership. On retreat we give ourselves over to the rhythms of prayer, solitude and community in ways that are deeply replenishing, restoring the connection between our soul and our leadership… In this set-apart time and place, we listen for the still, small voice of God telling us who we really are so that we not quite so enslaved by the demands and expectations of life in leadership." 

Our annual women’s reTREAT will help you step out of that position of “danger” and leave the treadmill of expectations and pressures of daily life and ministry behind. It is a time to refresh your spirit and to give your body a rest. It is a time to be nurtured and cared for by your sisters in Christ. We hope you will join us!This year are meeting at a new location. The Salvation Army’s Camp CONNRI in Ashford, Connecticut, is situated on 272 acres of rolling hills, overlooking a pristine

50-acre lake. It is a perfect place for a personal get-away. Here are more details:When: Friday, April 1, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. through Sunday, April 3, 2016 at 12:00 (noon) p.m.Where: Camp CONNRI Lodge and Conference Center in Ashford, CTWho: All women who are actively serving in their churches or organizations; especially those women who minister to other women.What: Four general sessions with three speakers; Kristi Stoughton will speak Friday night and Saturday morning, Shirley Dubeau will speak Saturday evening and Jeanne Doyon will close off our retreat on Sunday morning. Plus, double sessions of our three break-out sessions on Saturday, free time to enjoy and meet new women. If this is not enough, there is more!How: Register online, download a printable form, or contact us at or 978-710-4455. Group and commuter rates are available. Come for the complete retreat or just for part of it! Register by March 25 for the early-bird rate.Speaker bios:Kristi Stoughton shares with honesty, humor, and practicality about life’s joys, doldrums, and sorrows, and about how to live victoriously by holding on to God in a demanding world. Kristi will be speaking on Loving God and Loving People – The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything. (No pressure)Shirley Dubeau has a personality that overflows with enthusiasm and joy for the Word of God. She is able to connect with and encourage women of all ages and stages of faith-all to the glory of God. Shirley will be speaking on Fully Invested:  Living Wholly Holy Lives.Jeanne Doyon will engage and encourage with her warm style and contagious love of the Word. She communicates truth for today and a fresh encounter with the One who breathes peace in the midst of life’s storms. Jeanne will speak on Overcoming Your Leadership Obstacles.


A Great Need and a New Endeavor


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