Can You Spare a Cup? (Partnering in Kingdom Work)

This is the last installment of our Summer Sampler Series. We hope that the stories have encouraged you and inspired you to take advantage of the support, training, and resources available to you from by design ministries

For more information about the wide range of services offered by our ministry, please click here.

By Kristi Stoughton

Serving is a little sweeter with by design ministries. Support is a little closer, community a little tighter, and growing a little easier.

We’ve got a special thing here, and we want to share it. And you know what? We are better together!

So my question for you is …

Can you spare a cup of coffee?

Think for a moment about stopping by your favorite coffee shop with a good friend. Maybe you love a creamy latte with double whip while she prefers a mocha cappuccino with chocolate curls on top. Or maybe you’re a tea girl and for you, an iced vanilla chai latte is pure heaven. And don't forget the scone!

Like many nonprofits, we run our operation on a shoestring budget, and we like to offer free and low-cost events so that everyone can participate. But the reality is, it costs money to run a ministry.

Would you donate a cup of coffee to continue the work at by design ministries?

We know that not everyone can afford a big monthly commitment, but if you can spare $10 each month, you can partner with us in Kingdom work. You might not even feel it in your monthly budget.

Or maybe you want to do more - $20 a month or even $30 might not feel like a big sacrifice to you, but it would make a big difference in the services we can offer and the number of people we can reach for the Kingdom.

If you see the value in the work happening at by design, here’s our invitation to you: JOIN US. Help us to continue mentoring future generations of women and equip women in their ministry roles.

Our goal is to gain 10 recurring supporters. Maybe you can be one of the 10 generous hearts we're looking for.

Just click on one of the buttons below and you can get started today. (And in the new window click the "monthly donation" checkbox.) Thank you for your investment in eternal things!

"For over the past 16 years my husband and I have happily made a monthly donation to by design ministries. It all started when I was a young wife and mother living in New England and was participating in some of the women’s events offered by what was once called Women in the Word (under the Vision New England’s Women’s Ministries umbrella). I was so encouraged to be able to share with and learn from other young moms as well as soak in the godly wisdom of those women who were that much further along the path of mothering and ministry than I was.

Now fast-forward nearly 30 years later and we are empty nesters living in the south but still support by design. Why? Because the need for young women to be trained and encouraged by God’s Word is more important than ever! I want my three daughters to know Christ and to have that same support system that I had years ago. The really great thing about the virtual world that we live in now is that we no longer need to be geographically close to take advantage of all that by design offers! It blesses US to know that our donation is a blessing to others and that God will take that which we offer and multiply it to bless women as they seek to grow in the Word and in doing so become like Him."

~ Susan Upham, by design partner

Wondering how you can get involved in by design ministries? There are lots of ways, big and small, and all of them matter.

  • You can like, follow, subscribe, and share on our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

  • Commit to praying for by design. (Please message us to let us know you’re praying so that we can keep you updated on the latest prayer requests.)

  • Volunteer! You can help at one of our events, write a blog post, help with administrative tasks, and the list goes on. Wherever your gifting lies, we are grateful when you share it with by design. Connect with us and we can help find the best fit for you!

Kristi Stoughton, Associate Director of by design ministries, is a native of New Hampshire, where she currently resides with her husband. As a speaker for women’s events, Kristi has a passion for women to know God’s love deeply. She loves to share about the joyful, exciting, heartbreaking, beautiful, victorious, rollicking adventure that is Life in Christ! Kristi hasn’t yet met a craft that she doesn’t like, and thanks to her husband for his kind indulgence as she gleefully stockpiles crafting supplies she “might need someday.” Kristi loves playing her guitar and singing on her church’s worship team as well as serving with her musical “sister chicks” as the worship team for women’s retreats and other events. You can visit her online at

Kristi is also one of our featured speakers in the by design Speakers Directory. If you are looking for a Christian speaker for your special event, please visit our online directory or contact us to request a hard copy.


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