
Being Phoebe: What It Takes to Be a Woman of God

Being Phoebe: What It Takes to Be a Woman of God

Do you ever feel like you’re tied up in knots trying to be everything everywhere all at once?

Maybe you’re a mom or a grandmom, and you really want to be there for your family whatever their current needs. Your employer has needs, too — ones you’ve been hired to meet. And what about the church or parachurch organization you volunteer for? There’s so much to do and so little of you to go around. 

But how can you step down when there are too few willing to step up?

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But when it came to letting our individual lights shine? I was a 40-watt bulb. Cindy was a chandelier. A deep friendship launched that was to have lasted a lifetime. Or should have.

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The High Privilege of Knowing Gail MacDonald

The High Privilege of Knowing Gail MacDonald

As a young wife new to ministry and to life in New England, I was as green as the stalks of corn ripening back home in my family’s Illinois fields. I felt ill-prepared for life in the parsonage. Titus 2:3-5 instructs older women to teach younger ones. Where was the one who would “Titus” me?

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