
Still Learning

Still Learning

Sunday meant church. My brother and his wife are members of a more conservative Presbyterian church. I attend an Episcopal church that’s not as conservative. But both congregations love Jesus, work at knowing and loving each other and welcoming those outside the church. As a family, we don’t agree on everything, but who does? But we love each other. Period.However,

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A Legacy of Faith

A Legacy of Faith

As I thought of what to share about passing on a legacy of faith, my thoughts turned to the individuals who had the greatest impact on my faith. Certainly, it was my parents, my older sister, Sunday School teachers, and even Christian college professors. But in recent years, as I have gotten older, my thoughts have turned to my maternal grandmother and how her spiritual life shaped mine.My grandmother, Mari Megyesi, came to America from Hungary in the early 1900s as a very young bride

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Leaving a Powerful Legacy of Prayer for Our Families

Leaving a Powerful Legacy of Prayer for Our Families

My grandmother’s regular prayers for her family made a lasting impression, and not only on me. When my grandmother died some years later, my mom and my aunt stood in the kitchen of our home and wailed: “Who's going to pray for us now?”

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