
Motherhood Is Our Weakness

Motherhood Is Our Weakness

Dear moms: “My strength is sufficient for you. My power is made perfect in weakness.” 

Here is our trap: We knowingly and unknowingly view motherhood as our strength. But motherhood is our weakness. We think that we can plan and prepare and dream and structure in such a way as to carve and mold out the children’s hearts that we dream of. But we ...

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In Christ Alone

In Christ Alone

In 2018, my grandpa passed away. I remember him sitting down with us a few months prior as he explained the rapid effects of ALS and his acceptance that he’d be with the Lord very soon. It was very difficult to grasp – listening to someone I loved so dearly talk with my siblings and me about death. And yet, his words exemplified contentedness and peace. Though we all felt incredible sadness, he made…

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Those Not-So-Great Expectations

Those Not-So-Great Expectations

It was early in our marriage, and we were visiting my parents. We’d been there a couple of hours, and I was settling in for the day. My husband Ray, however, seemed restless, and I couldn’t understand why. Turns out, he had expected a one-hour visit and had made plans for the rest of the day. What!?

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This Truly Is the Day That the Lord Has Made

This Truly Is the Day That the Lord Has Made

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24 Doesn’t that make you smile; doesn’t that make you reflect on the goodness in your day, the goodness in your life? I can find lots of things that make me glad – good friends, good jobs, a great family, a good juicy hamburger (let’s get real here, you know it, too), and many more things that remind me that the Lord has made many wonderful days for us to rejoice in.But do we say and feel that so easily on the not-so-good days? 

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