
Lasting Impact: The Graceful Influence of Every Woman

Lasting Impact: The Graceful Influence of Every Woman

I believe we all owe Martha an apology. No human was ever created to serve solely as a sermon illustration. Why are we tempted to continually pit Martha against her sister Mary? No one has ever written a book titled, “Don’t be a Peter, be a John.”

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What Does Apollo 13 Have to Do with Church Ministry?

What Does Apollo 13 Have to Do with Church Ministry?

He expects us to understand that lives are at stake – eternal lives. He expects us not to look around for someone else to do it or to stand about complaining about our assignment. Instead, He has equipped us to utilize every person He welcomes into the family and the supplies He’s provided to deliver a “square” gospel into the “round hole” of the times in which we minister.

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What Does "by design" Do?
Kristi Stoughton Kristi Stoughton

What Does "by design" Do?

I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been asked that question. I’ve been on staff here for almost six years and still, answering that question always stumps me.

It’s easy to just spout our mission statement:

“by design ministries is dedicated to the equipping and development of women for ministry that will advance the kingdom of God, with a special emphasis on the needs related to New England.”

It’s true, and it sounds good, but what does it really mean? More importantly, what does it mean for YOU?

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