WeConnect - Be in the Know!

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By Kristi Stoughton

WeConnect is the young women’s ministry arm of by design. You may remember reading or hearing about it in the past, but you may not be up on all the latest! Reaching the next generation for Christ is such a passion for us, and we have been sharing updates with the WeConnect mailing list. However, we know that many of you are not on the list, so we wanted to make sure that you didn’t miss out!IMG_7118The EventsWe developed the “Mentoring Discussion Event” and presented our first one at Centerpoint Church (Salem, NH) in June of this year. What we found at Centerpoint was encouraging and inspiring: these women (roughly 80 in attendance!) were passionate about reaching the next generation for Christ and mentoring with grace. The response was tremendous! It’s clear that God is working in hearts. You can read more about this event and other exciting happenings in the WeConnect updates. I’m so encouraged by the experience at Centerpoint, and I hope you’ve been encouraged by what you’ve read here. If you are interested in hosting or attending one of these events, please contact us. We’d love to hear from you!The TeamWe’ve been developing the WeConnect leadership team, composed of millennials who love the Lord and are seeking to reach their generation for Christ. It has been a delight for me to work with these brilliant, talented, committed, and godly women. And I’m excited to tell you that our very first WeConnect leadership team retreat is this fall! At the retreat we will be discussing the challenges and opportunities that Christian millennials face in a post-church culture. We’ll be strategizing and planning events that will help more millennials connect with the Lord. And most of all, we’ll be praying. Praying for this upcoming generation. Praying for those who do not know Jesus to come to know Him in a real, vital way, and praying for those who already follow Jesus to become even stronger and surer in their faith, making them a beacon of light and hope in this world. Stay tuned for updates!promotional image-001The ResourcesWe have produced a video series that will help you as you reach out to the next generation. The Organic Mentoring Conference Set is a 4-disc set, with two speaking sessions by Dr. Sue Edwards, co-author of the book Organic Mentoring; a Millennial Forum Discussion; and a resource disc. You’ll come away from these sessions with a new vision for mentoring and new confidence to connect with the next generation! Read more about this set (and other resources, as well!) at our Featured Training Resource page.I’m continuing to send out regular WeConnect updates to our supporters, so if you’d like to keep up on all the exciting happenings in this ministry, please contact us and let us know. I’d be happy to add you to the list. You can also view past updates by visiting our update archive.If you’ve been praying for WeConnect, thank you! God has surely been answering your prayers. For this next year, please pray for more churches to host these Mentoring Discussion Events. And please also pray for the WeConnect team’s upcoming retreat, as we seek the Lord’s direction for the ministry. Thank you!

img_0430 square cropKristi Stoughton, Director of WeConnect, is a native of New Hampshire, where she currently resides with her husband. As a speaker for women’s events, Kristi has a passion for women to know God’s love deeply. She loves to share about the joyful, exciting, heartbreaking, beautiful, victorious, rollicking adventure that is Life in Christ! Kristi hasn’t yet met a craft that she doesn’t like, and thanks her husband for his kind indulgence as she gleefully stockpiles crafting supplies she “might need some day.” Kristi loves playing her guitar and singing on her church’s worship team as well as serving with her musical “sister chicks” as the worship team for women’s retreats and other events. You can visit her online at www.krististoughton.com. 


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