Mentoring Roundtable Events

This month's update comes from by design's Executive Director, Linda Moore, who wrote about our most recent Mentoring Event: 

Thank you so much for your prayerful intercession for by design’s women's ministries. I love working with women who are eager to grow and serve the Lord; frankly, I hardly know of anything that is more fulfilling and personally satisfying than mobilizing women for ministry!

Since hosting a challenging and well-attended mobilizing event, “Organic Mentoring Conference” in November 2016, the by design team has laid the foundation to expand this message regionally. This past month we partnered with Faith Community Bible Church in Loudon, NH to carry on the discussion of mentoring. One of our goals this year is to continue to expand the scope of this event to more churches across our region. This is the 2nd such event we’ve presented in two months and more mentoring workshops will be forthcoming in 2020.

The topic of mentoring has been a part of our leadership training curriculum for about 15 years, and, as you no doubt know, it has been a hot topic within women’s ministries for decades. Our goal with this ministry is both to inspire, inform, and challenge women to intentionally reach young women for Christ and to encourage further understanding between generations.

In keeping with this goal, our recent presentation in Loudon by Rene Allen and Kristi Stoughton, did a fine job of addressing key cross-generational communication issues. Both small group and large group discussions were a source of constructive insights. The women’s ministry team from FCBC did an outstanding job of promoting and implementing this event. We had 50 women in attendance from 11 different churches with a great cross-section of women from teens to retirees! Many women were introduced to our ministry and a number of whom expressed an interest in pursuing partnering with us in ministry.

If you would like to help your church foster better cross-generational communication, we would be happy to meet with you. Send us a message via our website ( and we will attempt to answer your questions and determine how to best meet your needs.

Thank you in advance for supporting our ministry.

Gratefully yours,

Linda Moore

View more pictures from this event on our Facebook page!

Thank you again, WeConnect supporters, for your faithful prayers and your partnership in this important ministry!

Keep hoping. Keep praying. Keep loving.

Kristi, for WeConnect


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