Support Ongoing Discipleship

This past ministry year was such an exciting adventure! We held our very first “Mentoring Discussion Event” and due to the enormous response are now scheduling more events in other churches. (If you’d like to attend one of these or have one come to your church, please let me know!) We’re also continuing to develop the WeConnect leadership team, with the intent that the young women’s ministry arm of by design would eventually be completely led by … you’ve got it … YOUNG WOMEN. (Imagine that! 😊 ) The team is currently composed of 7 millennials. I can’t adequately express what a delight it is to have the opportunity to work with these brilliant, talented, committed, and godly women. And I’m excited to tell you that our very first WeConnect leadership team retreat is this fall! At the retreat we will be discussing the challenges and opportunities that Christian millennials face in a post-church culture. We’ll be strategizing and planning events that will help more millennials connect with the Lord. And most of all, we’ll be praying. Praying for this upcoming generation. Praying for those who do not know Jesus to come to know Him in a real, vital way, and praying for those who already follow Jesus to become even stronger and surer in their faith, making them a beacon of light and hope in this world.Would you please be praying for us? We are at a critical point in this ministry and we would so appreciate your prayers as we seek the Lord’s plan. Please pray that we do not run ahead with only our own ideas, but that we will wait on the Lord and listen to Him. Please pray that He would give us His wisdom and insight. Thank you. I am so grateful for you, faithful friends.I also have another prayer request for you; this past year several of our largest financial supporters were unable to renew their support for the 2018/2019 fiscal year. This has left us with a pretty serious deficit. We work really hard to keep our expenses low, but the reality is that we still have expenses like postage, mileage, and salaries. And this year, we have the WeConnect retreat to cover, as well. Would you please pray about making a donation to this ministry? We absolutely believe that the Lord will provide … and perhaps He’ll use you to do it!For those of you who are already regular givers … THANK YOU! We could not have made it this far without you, and we are so grateful. And for those of you who are not monthly givers, would you please pray about becoming so? We know that there are many opportunities to donate to great causes, but we’re hoping that the Lord will prompt a few hearts towards WeConnect. Even $10 a month would make a big difference to us.And if you’re not able to give on a regular basis, would you consider making a one-time donation, either to WeConnect in general, or for a specific purpose? If you feel led to help cover the cost of the WeConnect retreat, or postage, or salaries (please contact me if you’d like specifics about any of these things), we’d be very grateful!If you’d like to give online, please visit our page, When you check out, please make a note in the comment section to have the donation go to WeConnect. If you’d prefer to give by check or have the funds sent directly from your bank (either for a one-time or recurring donation), please use this address:by design ministriesP.O. Box 571Carlisle, MA 01741As always, your donation will be tax-deductible. And thank you again, WeConnect supporters, for your faithful prayers and your partnership in this important ministry!Keep hoping. Keep praying. Keep loving.Kristi, for


Kitchen Remodel and Other Spiritual Journeys


Q&A With an Experienced Mentor