Mentoring Events

Connect With the Next Generation.

Do you have a hard time understanding and relating to the next generation? But do you also have a great burden for them to know and grow in Christ, as well as for them to succeed in this rocky venture called life?

Young women hunger for the kinds of relationships that strengthen, inspire and encourage them. The spiritual futures of generations of young women are at risk unless older women learn to love, understand, guide, and walk with them.

Mentoring is a wonderful opportunity to offer rewarding and potentially life-changing experiences for both the mentor and the one being mentored. How wonderful to share your walk with the Lord with another and to walk alongside a younger woman to offer regular encouragement over the course of busy days.

Relationships that will strengthen, inspire, and encourage them are just what many young women are looking for today. Would you be willing to invest your time and share what you've learned from the Lord with another?

Wondering what that would look like? Come join us for an informal discussion on how we can better understand and reach this next generation of young women. Several members from By Design will share and facilitate this discussion. Free resources will be available.

Find out more about booking this FREE event at your church where the By Design staff will come and share with the women in your community.