

by Lynne Bauman

“I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

       Psalm 27:13-14 (NIV)

I can remember as a young mom, the anticipation I would feel as the lazy days of summer approached every year! My children’s school routines and schedules, as well as my own schedule, would be traded in for carefree days of time spent at the lake, visits to Nan’s pool, trips to the playground and time spent with family and friends.Anticipation Lynne Bauman PicMy anticipation had always been founded in the previous summers we had enjoyed. By the end of every school year, we were already anticipating the rest and relaxation that was in store! Having this anticipation was always enough to carry me through those last few weeks of the school year.Recently after reading a devotional on the faithfulness of God, I was left with this realization: In the busyness of life, responsibilities, and schedules, I had stopped anticipating and expecting God’s faithfulness to move in response to my prayers as well as in the needs of my day-to-day life.The evidence of answered prayer in our life should fuel us with anticipation to keep looking and watching for more of His faithfulness. The above Scripture is a promise of this very truth. When was the last time you anticipated the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness in your life? It’s easy to lose sight of unless we are intentional about it. When we purpose ourselves to do just that, it also helps us to see God’s faithfulness in ways we hadn’t expected.Hopefully, as you are enjoying the lazy days of summer, I challenge you to be intentional as you wait in anticipation for God to move and act in response to all that you hold close to your heart. Expect and anticipate the Lord to work ~ even in the midst of circumstances that you don’t understand. Press in and continue to believe in His character. Even in the midst of difficult situations and unanswered prayers, in circumstances that we may not understand, we can continue to trust and believe in the One who promises to be faithful to us.His faithfulness in the past gives us every reason to continue to be steadfast in anticipating more and more of His faithfulness in the days to come!(Editor's Note: At by design, it is our mission to train women to serve and influence others for Christ. I hope this edition of Woman to Woman helps you do just that. If so, please share this with the important women in your life. You can sign up to receive the Woman to Woman eNewsletter before it is available on the blog. This year we are reprising some of our favorite Summer Sampler articles from previous years. This article was originally published in 2013.) 

Lynne Bauman - photo 1 of 2Lynne Bauman is the Director of Women's Ministry at her church, Walnut Hill Community Church, in Bethel, CT. She is also an author of A Heart to Know Him, wife and mother of two. She is involved in women’s ministries as a leader, teacher, and mentor. Lynne’s passion is to see women know who they are in Christ and to see that truth move from their head to their heart. Her desire is to see women walk in the freedom and fullness of all that God has for them.


Transitions, Tears, and Tassels


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