
Summer Sampler: A Shattered Faith

Summer Sampler: A Shattered Faith

In the mid-1980s, “Stress Test Biofeedback Cards” were all the rage. They were plastic cards with a colored scale and a testing square – you held the card with your thumb lightly pressing on the square and counted to 10. The color of the square told your stress score.

I think my stress square might be stuck on black based on the last 10 years of my life.

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A Legacy of Faith

A Legacy of Faith

As I thought of what to share about passing on a legacy of faith, my thoughts turned to the individuals who had the greatest impact on my faith. Certainly, it was my parents, my older sister, Sunday School teachers, and even Christian college professors. But in recent years, as I have gotten older, my thoughts have turned to my maternal grandmother and how her spiritual life shaped mine.My grandmother, Mari Megyesi, came to America from Hungary in the early 1900s as a very young bride

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Climbing Higher

Climbing Higher

I never knew one could get so attached to a robot. I will never forget the first time I saw Willard pull himself up to the first bar, then extend his mechanisms to climb up to the next, and finally make it to the highest bar, where he swung impressively … then crashed nearly seven feet to the ground. I was so devastated that I turned off the stream.

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A Night of Surprise and Inspiration

A Night of Surprise and Inspiration

Gina brought social science to bear in the realm of real mission. She led with data rich concepts from the United Nations Human Development Report and tied this data to how women use their natural inclination toward relationship to bring female perspective and presence to the head of the table where true leadership decisions are made.

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Leaving Church

Who is leaving the church? How does that differ from leaving the faith? What is their background? What are some of the factors that contribute to their choice to jettison the faith in which they were raised? These are some of the questions that we need to ask if we are to stem the flow of millennials leaving the church.

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Pursued By God

I know that many of you are praying wholeheartedly as you wait and hope for a young woman to return to the faith. Perhaps she’s your daughter, or a niece; a friend or former classmate. I hope you’ll feel freed and encouraged by this truth: it’s not up to us. We’re not going to win them with convincing arguments or good books or cajoling. But God, through the Holy Spirit, will win them with his love, in his timing.

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