Ministry Spotlight - Gilead's Balm

One of our goals at by design is to partner with other local ministries for mutual support and encouragement. One of the ministries that has been a tremendous blessing to us is Gilead’s Balm, which was created by and is run by Marnie Wells. We want to spread the word about this lovely, restful retreat center, and that’s why we’re sharing it with you. If you’ve ever felt the need to get away to spend time with the Lord, rest, and be fed (both literally as well as spiritually!), then Gilead’s Balm is just the place for you. We are sure you will be blessed by it just as much as we have been!- The by design team

By Marnie Wells

There is a small oasis, set apart by the Lord for the ministry of Rest and Refreshment in Salem, N.H. Gilead’s Balm was birthed in 2006 when I, with children mostly grown, felt the nudge of the Lord to open the doors of my family home to welcome those He would send.In Jeremiah 8:21-22 and 9:2,24, it says, “Since my people are crushed, I am crushed. I mourn, and horror grips me. Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why is there then no healing for the wounds of my people? … Oh, that I had, in the desert, a lodging place for travelers, so that they might leave their people and go away from them…. But let him who boasts, boast about this; that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercises justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight.”Gilead is a place, and Balm is a soothing ointment.Having spent 60-plus years, thus far, walking this earth, there have been many times when I have felt the need for a place away, a balm, a physician of sorts, who would take care of me.Did I find one? Rarely.Even so, the Lord has been faithful to me over the years. As I have finished up the hands-on raising of my 12 children, I am feeling prompted to offer just that, an Ebenezer, a “Stone of Help” (1 Samuel 7), a respite, a nest for the ones that God so loves. A place to come away to and breathe, a harbor to be refreshed and nurtured in before going back to the battle.I count it a privilege to be a part of His plan for your life.So eat. Sleep. Rest. Rejuvenate. Walk in the gardens or sit by the fire and connect with the Lord. Receive counsel, if you’re seeking it. Come alone or with a handful of people. All are welcome.Gilead’s Balm is a simple place – a home.I am a servant called to minister the love of the Lord to you.I so look forward to meeting and talking with you.May your feet and the hand of our Heavenly Father lead you here.Our door is open to you and our hearts as well.Gilead’s Balm is a faith-based ministry, funded by donations only. The luncheons, overnight getaways, retreats, and other services have suggested donation amounts, but it is totally left in the Lord’s hands. Read more at are a few excerpts of comments left by guests:“I first came as a young single dad looking for guidance and counsel on parenting. Marnie fed me and made me feel welcome. I love the sense of peace and rest that is present. She has incredible wisdom with life and parenting. I still, though now married, find my way to her door … and its always fruitful.” – Chris C. “… the Lord uses Marnie in many ways: through a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, a caring heart … what is very powerful is her knowledge of God’s Word.” – Linda R. “… very in tune with our needs, discreet but always available … highly recommend.” – Ann M., Canada  “I felt angels had been assigned to remove every burden … I walked in exhausted and broken and left refreshed, healed and free ...” – Deb K., VermontTo read these comments in full, please visit

Marnie Wells lives in Salem, NH, and lives a full life involved in Gilead’s Balm, AIRBNB, and 30 grandchildren. She writes a daily devotional, Musings with Marnie, and a Parenting/Mentor blog. These can be seen on her Gilead’s Balm Facebook page ( and are also emailed out every day. If you are interested, drop her a note at or contact her by phone at (603) 560-3609. Please text or leave a message and she will call you back! 


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