Meet the WeConnect Leadership Team

You’ve been reading the updates for months … and some of you have been reading them for years! You’ve prayed faithfully for WeConnect and generously donated to the ministry. You’ve watched as we conducted interviews with scores of millennials and developed the Leadership Team – a group of vibrant, wise young women who love the Lord and want to share Him with everyone they meet.Wouldn’t you like to meet the WeConnect Leadership Team?This year at by design’s annual retreat you will have the opportunity to do so! Our annual retreat is for any woman who is serving in her church or other organization. It’s a time to refresh, reconnect, learn, and grow. You can read about it here: Friday night event is “Ask a Millennial!” – a Q&A panel led by the enthusiastic young women of by design’s WeConnect Leadership team. Many of you have shared your concerns and questions about how to best connect with the next generation. During the panel event you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and hear the insights of these lovely, godly young women.On Saturday there will be four different workshops offered, and one will be led by Jessi Crawley, one of the members of the WeConnect team.And throughout the weekend you’ll also have the opportunity to spend time with the team. Up until now you’ve been praying for this ministry, sight-unseen. Finally, you’ll be able to put faces and names with those prayer requests. We hope you’ll join us for the retreat!Thank you again, WeConnect supporters, for your faithful prayers and your partnership in this important ministry!Keep hoping. Keep praying. Keep loving.Kristi, for


Ministry Spotlight - Gilead's Balm


Mentoring Insights from the WeConnect Team