Ministry Spotlight - House of Hope

by Phyllis Phelps

My name is Phyllis Phelps, and I am the director of House of Hope NH. I would like to tell you about House of Hope NH and what the Lord has done in our 2%-churched area.

In 2015, my husband and I began seeing a rise in overdoses resulting in deaths. So we began seeking the Lord as to how He would use us to reach those struggling with addiction, and their children. One night in my prayer time I asked the Lord, “Are You bigger than heroin?” This drug was flowing in our streets, touching many families with the horror of death by overdoses. Parents, grandparents, daughters, sons, and children became desperate for hope.

As we sought the Lord, it was very clear we needed to open a home where women and their children could experience a warm, loving atmosphere. An atmosphere where healing can take place and the principles of Christ can be taught as well as life skills and family structure – bringing families back to the basics.

House of Hope NH is a light in our community, sitting on a hill as you come into New Hampshire from Vermont. It is on five and a half acres, with a big red barn and spacious fields that can be used for gardens, both flower and food. There are blueberry bushes, apple trees, and pear trees. This is a home that holds history. It was built in 1777, and the inside still has the farm home feel. We wanted a place where the women do more than dry out from drugs and alcohol.

What sets our program apart from others is getting to the core issues that cause the cravings to escape the pain they are experiencing. A weekly visit from the spiritual director and the pastor of the church we attend is another advantage of our home. Women learn to manage family relationships with proper boundaries. They also learn to manage their finances and experience spiritual life through the redemptive power of Christ.Restoration begins as soon as they enter our doors.

The first phase unfolds as they learn to receive love. These women leave difficult circumstances, some having only the clothes on their backs – walking away from a life of anger, addiction, hatred, abuse, crime, and destruction. While they learn to embrace love, hope, peace, and discipline, healing starts to take root and they learn to walk with Christ through the storms. They learn to first seek the Lord and Christian leaders when making decisions that affect the future. Laying the past down and walking in newness of life changes their countenance each week. Christ begins to shine through more and more as they become full of hope. Even in this dark day they find strength, turning from death unto life, through the way of the Cross.

Whatever level of education they have, we work with them to get further education and college courses as needed to have gainful employment. When they enter the home, the only assistance they receive is medical. We have volunteers come to teach sewing, cooking, art, and financial planning. There are prayer meetings and Bible instruction. All state and federal assistance is stopped upon entering the home. We do not accept any state or federal funding to run this program. We do not charge the women anything to stay at the home. House of Hope NH relies solely on monthly donors, grants, and fundraisers. Prayer is key when the tough times come, and God shows forth His power to provide.

We do not shy away from the power of Jesus Christ’s transforming love, which transcends any pain or addiction that hell tries to attach to their souls. I am honored to serve in this ministry. I am so in awe of God’s provision for this ministry, not only financially but in the covering of love and grace. The mission of House of Hope NH is “Saving lives and impacting generations.” It has been a wonderful experience that sometimes is filled with great pain. Through it all I have learned to trust in Jesus and depend on His Word as well as leading from prayer. He is faithful and can be trusted in all circumstances. As I walk through it all, I bring it to the Savior. He so gently leads and guides with the reminder that this is His work to impact generations for His glory.

If you would like to know more about the ministry, please visit House of Hope NH at​ or email ​​ or contact me at 603-499-8068.

Phyllis Phelps is married with three adult children and eight grandchildren, and is the Founding Director of House of Hope NH, along with her husband of 33 years. Through her own personal testimony she shares the love of Jesus Christ, faith, and hope.

Phyllis graduated from New Life Home for Women and Children in 1984, and Youth With a Mission in 1985. Since 2012, Phyllis enjoyed many opportunities to teach and volunteer at New Life Home.

She completed an intense director’s training program under New Life’s leadership team in 2017. Phyllis has led a Women’s Jail Ministry from 2011 - 2018. Served on the Gen Now youth team for six years as well as being an active member at Christian Life Fellowship since 2005.

Phyllis’ vision along with her husband Bill’s is to bring hope to those suffering with life-controlling issues through a long-term residential program located on 5.5 acres in Keene, NH. House of Hope NH opens doors for women and their children to experience freedom in Christ in a warm, loving atmosphere.

Phyllis is also one of our featured speakers in the by design Speakers Directory. If you are looking for a Christian speaker for your special event, please visit our online directory or contact us to request a hard copy.


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