
Summer Sampler: Unexpected to Unbelievable!

Summer Sampler: Unexpected to Unbelievable!

I love living in New England, and I welcome the diversity of all four seasons. The new birth of buds blossoming, the splash of salted waters, painted crisp fall leaves, and a fresh snow blanket descending from the sky.

Not so welcome are the unexpected seasons/storms that abruptly knock at our doorstep. Yet we all have those uninvited visitors barging in. For some it may be a …

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A Time of Lament

A Time of Lament

Do you find yourself in a season of loss? Maybe you’ve lost a loved one, a job, or a friendship, or your expectations have been disappointed in some area of your life. Loss is an inevitable experience in this life.

What are we to do with the loss? Our culture would tell us to keep busy, move on to plan B or C, seek the next goal, and move forward. In contrast, if we look to scripture, we see Psalms expressing anguish, disappointment, and despair. At Bible study, we recently …

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In Christ Alone

In Christ Alone

In 2018, my grandpa passed away. I remember him sitting down with us a few months prior as he explained the rapid effects of ALS and his acceptance that he’d be with the Lord very soon. It was very difficult to grasp – listening to someone I loved so dearly talk with my siblings and me about death. And yet, his words exemplified contentedness and peace. Though we all felt incredible sadness, he made…

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