May Featured Resources

From by design Marketing CoordinatorKevin Cunningham

Time with God: Develop Confidence and Consistency In Your Personal Prayer Life

TimeCover_Time with God is written for people who love God and long to spend time with him but need help. Take a 28-day journey designed to draw us closer to God by

  • - Focusing on the nature and character of God
  • - Praying with the Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication pattern
  • - Praying the Scriptures
  • - Praying your own personal prayers

Kevin writes, "Personally, I have often found it helpful to have a variety of resources available to help me stay focused during prayer. I share this not because I am a spiritual giant. Rather, I often find it such a struggle to stay focused in prayer that I have had to discover or develop tools to help."

At the heart of Time with God is a desire to help develop the habit of communicating with God in practical and powerful ways. Practical, because it balances four different aspects of prayer. Powerful, because it uses God's Word as the basis for many of our prayers.

This book is filled with Scripture verses translated from the original languages that have been reworded into prayers. They are chosen to help us nurture and develop our focus on God and our love for him. As you get more comfortable with the concept, it will revolutionize the way you read the Bible on your own.

Time with God is available on Amazon. The Kindle version is on sale from May 4-10 for $.99. It is also available in paperback on Amazon.

Kevin Head Shot

Kevin Cunningham is a pastor and speaker with a background in missions and Christian broadcasting. He writes at as is currently serving as the Intentional Interim Pastor of First Church of Christ in Lynn, MA.

Speaker page:


From by design Board Member, Phyllis Bennett:

Training the Called Woman to Teach and Influence is a training manual to empower women to teach God's Word effectively within one's own church settings--Phyllis Cover 1in Bible studies, Sunday School classes, as part of preaching teams or for retreats. Many women speakers today are gifted story-tellers and entertainers but have not been trained or challenged to keep the Word of God as the central agent of transformation in their messages. This manual will challenge both trainer and trainees to keep God's Word as the pivotal training instrument for all speaking arenas.

This manual has been designed to be a step-by-step workbook used by individuals, by a trainer with a group of aspiring speakers, or for a group to work through together without a trainer. Some have described this manual as one-stop shopping for training women to speak as all the tools for one's tool kit can be found within its pages--biblical tools, how to outline, illustrate, put it all together, deliver, recover and stay focused on one's own unique God-given teaching style. The latest edition, 2016, is available online at, .

Developing Life-Changing Bible Study Curriculum is a training manual to empower men and women to effectively create and design Bible study curriculum for Phyllis Cover 2their church settings to be used for Bible studies, Sunday School classes, or co-ed evening groups. Many ministries are eager to provide Bible study curriculum for their own church or ministry settings but lack the necessary tools to train individuals and curriculum writing teams to produce excellent curriculum. This manual has been designed to be a step-by-step workbook used by individuals, by a trainer with a group of aspiring curriculum writers, or for a group to work through together without a trainer. Some have described this manual as one-stop shopping for training curriculum writers to create excellent curriculum as all the tools for one's tool kit can be found within its pages--biblical tools, how to write excellent questions for both thinkers and feelers, how to train curriculum writing teams, and how to select and enhance published Bible study workbooks. (2016 newest edition will be online at by May 15th).



Phyllis Bennett is the Director of the Women’s Center for Ministry at Western Seminary, a published author, adjunct seminary professor and retreat speaker. Phyllis loves shepherding women of all ages and life stages to their full potential for Christ. She is featured in our Speaker Directory.



The Blessing of Retreat


The Season of Decision