Bloom Where You're Planted
These women shared a common thread that greatly impacted my own personal spiritual growth, in each one I saw a faithful acceptance of where God had led them each to be. And in that acceptance, they had grown hearts that longed to lift others up to their heavenly father.
Leaving a Powerful Legacy of Prayer for Our Families
My grandmother’s regular prayers for her family made a lasting impression, and not only on me. When my grandmother died some years later, my mom and my aunt stood in the kitchen of our home and wailed: “Who's going to pray for us now?”
When God Says "No"
“I think your daughter was nearly trafficked,” the social worker said. “The police got to her in time.”
My stomach dropped to my toes in pure terror. The child we had raised from a toddler and adopted had become an out-of-control teen. We committed her to a mental hospital, but she made false allegations against us and refused to come home. I had been praying for years that she would feel loved, would tell the truth, and would choose to obey. The prayers were endless.
Now she was…
Are You Praying It Safe?
Let’s face it, life is NOT safe. From risking your heart in loving someone to stepping out to try something new, anything really worth doing is NOT safe. And let’s face it, life would be boring if it was safe. Yet often I find…