Play Your Drum Solo

By Stephanie Averill

"Just what I've always wanted!"

I love this meme. If a drummer had approached me in these circumstances he'd probably be eating his drumsticks. It seems like a total fail in terms of appropriate gift giving.

That said, when it comes to bringing gifts to Jesus, I'm pretty sure we're all that drummer boy. I mean, think about it. Do we really think He needs anything from us? That we're ever going to surprise Him with that perfect burst-of-brilliance gift? That we're going to impress Him somehow? In light of God's glory, our gifts must look pretty small, or even as ill-timed and inappropriate as a drum solo for a newborn.

But take a step back. When my kids give me hand-made cards or popsicle stick ornaments for the tree, I'm not subjecting them to literary or artistic criticism. They're my children. I love them. And I LOVE when they think of me and make me something from the heart.

God on his throne, who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, wants to hear from us. He looks at our heart to give to Him. He told His people that the fanciest, most expensive gifts actually mean nothing if their hearts are far from Him, if they are cruel to one another and neglectful of His commands. Instead he wants us to walk with Him, to love what He loves.

This Christmas, I'm feeling very "poor" in what I can bring to Jesus. My "parumpapumpum" feels off beat. But I'm choosing to trust in His character. I will play my best for Him.

"Then He smiled at me...."

Dr. Stephanie Averill is a stay-at-home mom and history professor in Fort Drum, New York. She lives the nomadic Army life with her chaplain husband Jonathan and their three children. When she’s not kissing boo boos for the kiddos or grading masters theses (and hopefully not getting the two mixed up), she volunteers in the military community, plays her guitar, and chips away at the three or four writing projects she always seems to have going at once.


Banishing "But"


Settling the Heart