Settling the Heart

By Debbie Lowe

Some of us are natural-born worriers. My mother was one; she passed the gene on to me. For those afflicted, any and every thing can become a source of anxiety. There are the “normal” things to angst over: “Are my kids going to ‘make it’ in life?” “What if something horrible happens to my husband?” “Will there be enough money to get to the end of the month?” Then there are the foolish worries: “Scientists report that there’s an object hurtling through space. They thought it was an asteroid or a comet, but it has a peculiar trajectory and is shaped like a cigar. Could it be an alien ship coming to invade us?”

For us natural-born worriers, almost anything (like the idea of aliens) can start us on a free-fall descent into the lairs of fear. It would be nice to say it’s irrational, silly, and just “get over it.” But for some of us, that takes work.

“And when I was burdened with worries, you comforted me and made me feel secure.” (Psalm 94:19, Contemporary English Version)

It takes calling to mind that fear is (as someone has said): “False Evidence Appearing Real.” It takes a conscious, concerted effort to lay aside the “maybes” and “what-ifs” and focus on the One Who is really in control, the One Who loves us so much that He allowed His Son to die a brutal death so we can be free from the bondage of sin and, yes, fear.

Fear is bondage. When we fear, we’re bowing to the idea that what we f.e.a.r. has more power than the Creator of the universe. That is a lie out of the pit of hell. Just as we want our children to live without fear, our loving Father wants us to live in peace, resting in Him, knowing in the very deepest part of our heart and mind that “He’s got this.”

And He always does.

© Debbie Lowe, 2018

Debbie Lowe is a blogger, speaker, and writer. Her desire is to encourage women to wholeheartedly trust God in every area of their lives. She has served in women’s ministries and as Deacon of Worship at Grace Fellowship Church in North Stonington, CT. Debbie and her husband have two grown daughters and nine grandchildren. She enjoys reading (especially at the beach) and playing in the dirt (aka, gardening). Visit Debbie online at or on Facebook at Debbie Lowe - Life Lessons.

Debbie is also one of our featured speakers in the by design Speakers Directory. If you are looking for a Christian speaker for your special event, please visit our online directory or contact us to request a hard copy.


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