
Sharing and Seeing by the Spirit

Sharing and Seeing by the Spirit

I feel very blessed to have many women in my life who have walked alongside me in my faith throughout the years. Women like my mom, my worship team “aunties,” Sunday school teachers, mentors in college, and mentors in my current ministry organization (informally or formally) have encouraged me and loved me in highs and lows. In this current season, I am especially thankful for Sam.

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Designed for Community

Designed for Community

In a quick Google search, you can easily find multiple studies that speak of the loneliness and isolation that can come along with being in ministry leadership. Leaders are often overextended, lacking in support staff, and so focused on serving others that they can forget to actually jump into the communities they are bringing together. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I know that, for myself, the first things to go when I am stressed or busy are spending time with God and quality fellowship with others.

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Designed in Generations

Designed in Generations

It is so important to have women of all generations together. Our society often tells us the opposite. The young are characterized as flighty, lazy, and entitled. The old are characterized as out of touch or too authority-focused. These stereotypes are roadblocks to what our communities could be.

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Designed to be Human

Designed to be Human

Women in leadership in ministry and beyond tend to be at a crossroads of expectations. They are often expected to be both meek and strong, in charge but not bossy, compassionate but not too emotional, in control but not heavy-handed, etc. This can create pressure to be perfect, to put on a facade, or to be “on” all the time. This becomes exhausting.

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