Designed in Generations

This year’s Summer Sampler Series answers the question “What does by design do?” Each post will address an aspect of our ministry, as told by women who have been positively impacted. We hope that their stories encourage you and inspire you to take advantage of the support, training, and resources available to you from by design ministries

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Designed in Generations

By Kimberley Minch

One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. - Psalm 145:4 

Love one another deeply as brothers and sisters. Take the lead in honoring one another. - Romans 12:10

One of the things that I’ve really enjoyed seeing by design step into in recent years is their pursuit of being a multigenerational community. It is so important to have women of all generations together. Our society often tells us the opposite. The young are characterized as flighty, lazy, and entitled. The old are characterized as out of touch or too authority-focused. These stereotypes are roadblocks to what our communities could be. In Romans 12, we see there is beauty in the diverse community that God has designed the church to be. Whether that comes from different giftings, cultures, genders, backgrounds, or generations, we are designed to be with people who are different than us.

When I was asked to be on a panel of millennials for a by design event, I was honestly a little worried about how it would go. I wasn’t sure if people would want to listen to me, or if they would get upset, or if I even had anything to offer. It was a room full of people who, on average, had been doing ministry longer than I had been alive. However, it was actually so, so encouraging. Beneath all the stereotypes that we encounter in our day-to-day lives, there’s actually just a lack of understanding of each other, which can lead to miscommunication and hurt. When I encountered that group of women from generations other than mine, I actually found that they were hungry to learn about me and my generation. I felt so honored by each person who came up to me afterward and asked me questions and thanked me. It gave me hope for what a multigenerational community can be.

Being in this multi-generational community has taught me so much about each generation. The Traditionalist or Silent Generation has such strong discipline and a big heart for mentorship. Baby Boomers are dedicated and great at networking, and are team players. Generation X is very collaborative and great at problem-solving, and values work-life balance. Millennials are flexible, care about social responsibility, and are independent. Generation Z is creative, great at multitasking, and quick to adapt. I am so thankful to have learned and contributed to a community full of these beautiful qualities.

Older generations have the privilege of raising up younger generations and helping them grow into their faith. This raising up is not just in preparation for the younger generations becoming older one day, but also a release to what God has called them to right now. God has consistently used young people like Esther, Daniel, Jeremiah, and Timothy to do great things for His Kingdom, and that is something that we get to celebrate because it has so much potential to show God’s glory in imperfect, inexperienced humans. Younger generations have the privilege of learning from older generations and inheriting stories of God’s faithfulness. They have the opportunity of stepping up to encourage and support older generations in their ministry, not just taking over but celebrating them now and following them well. Participating in the community of by design is such a great way of putting this multigenerational community into practice.

Reach outside your comfort zone.

We’re better together! The Kingdom is comprised of all different generations, and by design ministries’ goal is to strengthen the connections between them. Young and old and in-between … we all have something special to contribute. 

While numbers of Millennials and Zennials in the Church are decreasing, by design is working to send that trend in the opposite direction. We’re finding ways to connect with and listen to these upcoming generations, and to involve them in the work of the Kingdom. 

If you, too, are passionate about young women reconnecting with God and with the church, we want to invite you to get involved! WeConnect is the young women’s ministry arm of by design ministries. Visit the webpage to learn more, and then contact us to speak with one of the dynamic young women on the WeConnect Leadership team. We’d love for you to get involved!

Is your church passionate about reaching the next generation for Christ? Statistics show that those who are mentored are more likely to retain their faith. by design offers FREE mentoring events to help get you started. Contact us to find out more or to schedule one at your church!

Kimberley Minch is the Programs Coordinator for 100 Fold Studio, an architecture ministry based in Lakeside, MT. While she calls Montana home now, Kimberley grew up in Nashua, NH, and went to school at Northeastern University in Boston. She is passionate about worship and discipleship, especially for college students. In between traveling for work and visiting family, you can find her searching for the perfect color swatch and feeding homemade cookies to whoever will eat them.

Kimberley is a member of by design’s WeConnect Leadership Team. Read more about WeConnect!


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