The Sacrifice

By Debbie Lowe

 “‘… My God, My God, why have You abandoned Me ….’” (Matthew 27:46, Amplified Bible)

It’s almost Palm Sunday. That means Good Friday isn’t far behind. We think of the great sacrifice Jesus made for us, as we should. But there was another sacrifice, one we often miss: the Father’s sacrifice.

As a mother I cannot begin to imagine how the Father’s heart hurt on Palm Sunday, knowing His precious, innocent Son was days away from bearing the incomprehensible weight of all sin, and the unimaginable pain and suffering of crucifixion. Knowing in just a few days He would see His Son tortured, beaten beyond recognition, and nailed to a “tree”* like a common criminal …

In His holiness, He knew He would have to turn away. His sacrifice – abandoning His beloved Son, breaking what had been constant, intimate communion since before the beginning of time, leaving His wounded Son utterly alone – had to have torn His heart in two, even as the temple curtain was rent from top to bottom.** Yet He made the sacrifice; He did not intercede. He turned away.

The Father sacrificed His one and only beloved Son for you and for me.

Father, forgive me for overlooking the sacrifice You made on that Friday, a sacrifice I cannot begin to grasp. A sacrifice made with incomprehensible love … for me.

* “… anyone who is hung on a tree is under God’s curse.” (Deuteronomy 21:23, New International Version)

**Matthew 27:51

© Debbie Lowe, 2018

Debbie Lowe is a blogger, speaker, and writer. Her desire is to encourage women to wholeheartedly trust God in every area of their lives. She has served in women’s ministries and as Deacon of Worship at Grace Fellowship Church in North Stonington, CT. Debbie and her husband have two grown daughters and nine grandchildren. She enjoys reading (especially at the beach) and playing in the dirt (aka, gardening). Visit Debbie online at or on Facebook at Debbie Lowe - Life Lessons. Debbie is also one of our featured speakers in the by design Speakers Directory. If you are looking for a Christian speaker for your special event, please visit our online directory or contact us to request a hard copy.


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