


There seem to be two different philosophies on housecleaning: the “ongoing” philosophy and the “event” philosophy. Since opposites seem to attract, most households have one person in each philosophical camp. I can still hear my mother saying, “Pick it up!” (that thing, whatever it was, that always escaped the notice of my youthful eyes). I remember my father saying, “Put it back where it belongs.” Clearly, my parents beat the odds; they both lived in the same camp. I’m in the “ongoing” camp now, too.My husband … not so much. For him, ...

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A Focused Resolve

A Focused Resolve

What focused resolve on the part of both the mamma and her ducklings. They had to see the cars careening towards them, yet they walked on undaunted, focused on their goal, never wavering.If only I could do the same, focus on the goal with steadfast resolve, not looking left or right but persevering on in the knowledge that my Lord is faithful...

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Banishing "But"

Banishing "But"

Climbing out of a crevasse isn’t easy. It requires constant focus on Him, using the hand-holds found in His Word, and choosing to trust and believe that those hand-holds – His promises – are firm and true.

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Settling the Heart

Settling the Heart

Fear is bondage. When we fear, we’re bowing to the idea that what we f.e.a.r. has more power than the Creator of the universe. That is a lie out of the pit of hell. Just as we want our children to live without fear, our loving Father wants us to live in peace, resting in Him, knowing in the very deepest part of our heart and mind that “He’s got this.”

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Making a choice can be difficult. But we have the assurance that God is always with us, even when we’re wrestling with our most difficult decisions.

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Erica and the Silverware

Erica and the Silverware

Unhappy with my response, she pouted. She wanted to help cook. She wanted to do something she enjoyed, something she felt was important. Setting the table wasn’t anything important.

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When I Let Go

When I Let Go

For some time I’d known I was running from Him. It didn’t look like it on the outside; I was doing all the “right” things. I didn’t know exactly why or what the problem was, but I was working overtime to avoid finding out, avoiding Him.

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The Sacrifice

The Sacrifice

It’s almost Palm Sunday. That means Good Friday isn’t far behind. We think of the greatsacrifice Jesus made for us, as we should. But there was another sacrifice, one we often miss: the Father’s sacrifice.

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Trusting God with the Future

Trusting God with the Future

Listening to the news, I’m challenged to believe for a better tomorrow – or at least one that’s no worse than today. Sometimes I slip into worry. I have to remind myself that God is sovereign.

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